Thursday, September 11, 2008

it's just an ordinary morning, just an ordinary day

Beth wrote a post about how she found out about the events of 9/11/01. It's pretty poetic, and includes a hazy feeling that I think signifies how a lot of people felt on and after that day.

My account of that day isn't nearly as poetic.

I was in 1st period Shakespeare, Sophomore year of high school...

and I was being hit on by the girl sitting next to me.

After we found out about the first plane, and watched live as the second plane flew into the second tower, all I could keep thinking was "but it's Steph's 16th birthday!"

She's 23 now. Happy Birthday, Stephanie. I hope it was a happy one.

To be honest, I miss that friendship more than those two towers in New York City.

Maybe that's selfish.
Maybe that's insensitive.
In fact, it probably is.

But it's the honest to God truth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just so you know,

i love you.

and next time you have a glass of red wine, do a white girl shimmy for me.

and i'll do one for you.