I'll just cut right to the chase...I stayed the same again.
0 lbs lost this week.
8lbs lost overall.
I'm trying to keep myself upbeat about it by saying at least I haven't gained.
But deep inside it's kind of fueling my depression. kind of fueling a desire to eat more just because eating less isn't working so I might as well have something to make me happy.
But I will do better. I will get my YMCA membership and start swimming laps and doing some weight training. I will.
I will start losing weight again.
How did you other RagamuffinTop participants do?
1 comment:
I used to have the feeling of depression when I didn't lose every week, but our bodies need trained and taught that we're not giving in this time. Eventually, the pounds will come off :-). That's what I tell myself anyway and so far so good :-). Great job and best of luck to you this week.
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