I'm about to graduate from college.
which to me means that I get to stop paying other people to educate me, and start educating myself.
Before college I read ravenously, and during breaks I would stay up all night reading whole books at a time.
I want to keep reading. I want to keep learning.
But I need some help. So if you read this, answer these questions. or just one of them.
What is your favorite book? why?
What was the best classic book you were assigned in high school?
What book have you read more than twice, and just might pick up and read again tomorrow?
What book would you assign the whole world if you could?
What is the funniest book you have ever read?
Add to my "to read" list!
2 years ago
I don't have a favorite book.
I haven't graduated high school yet, but I enjoyed reading Anthem and Mila 18.
I have read Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell about three times.
I would tell the world to write their own book. Even if it was just a picture book.
I really respect that you want to keep learning and reading. I think the moment in life you stop wanting to learn is the same moment you stop living.
fav book: 'fall on your knees' by ann-marie macdonald (quite possibly the next great piece of american literature)
best classic: "jude the obscure" by thomas hardy (actually, i read it in college, but greatly enjoyed it)
more than twice: "a tree grows in brooklyn" by betty smith (always a wonderous read) and 'sex with kings' by eleanor herman (all about the mistresses of history)
assign to the world: 'the book of laughter and forgetting' by milan kundera (just so good. so good)
funniest: "isle of palms' by dorothea benton frank (very very southern, but very sweet/funny)
'glamorama' by bret easton ellis (not so much funny haha, but so gooooooood. supermodels=terrorists in the early 90s. brilliant)
congrats on the grad!! and the weight loss. miss you girl.
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